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With Task Enter® it is now possible

Tasks, wall, calls, corporate chat, task rating, projects, productivity report and teamwork.

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Get the most out of your corporate App

Optimize the internal communication of your organization
With the Task Enter® App you will be able to combine the corporate social network with task management and also generate reports on the performance of your collaborators, with productivity indicators that will allow you to make decisions regarding recognition, production, identification of threats, improve internal communication and encourage teamwork.


Business Wall

You will be able to share relevant information for the organization such as corporate news, birthday celebration, group activities, official announcements, like and comment. It is an ideal tool to strengthen internal communication.


Activities Calendar

This option is perfect for organizing the work and enhancing the results, since you will be able to choose the project and relate the right people, you will see the status of the project, progress, completion and archive all the information.



This component is the most important for making managerial decisions, since it allows you to measure the productivity of your collaborators, analyze their performance against the assigned tasks and the fulfillment of the times to finish each activity.

Task Enter

Daily tasks

In Tasks you can see "my pending, pending of all, pending assigned by me, my completed, completed of all, without grading".

The App allows you to put the tasks in progress by hitting play or pause if you change activities and finish, once you finish a task. Create new subtasks, make comments and leave a link to your activity, add attached documents and photos.

In favorites mark the most important or priority tasks.

"Working as a team divides the work and multiplies the results"

With Task Enter® you can manage projects and improve internal corporate communication.

Effective, corporate chat

In the corporate chat you will find the contact of all the members of the organization, you can talk to them and thus avoid trips that waste time. Also, use the microphone to dictate and write in the chat, with this option you save time and communicate your ideas immediately. You can make a video call by sharing files and commenting in the chat.

of projects

In this option you can assign a person to grade your task or the person who schedules it for you, will grade your task once you finish it, with that there is direct communication regarding your business needs regarding the response capacity of your team of job. It is a determining factor in the analysis of productivity and will be relevant in the report generated from the activity.

Task Enter

Easy to use

This App is very intuitive and easily takes you to the next step, so you don't have to do complicated training to start using it and enjoy its benefits.


Free s

All our products are constantly d and this plus is included, you will receive improvements in functionality, design and corporate results all the time.


Personalized support

Our team will help you use the tool in accordance with your business requirements and in the event of any irregularity with the App is a guarantee that we offer you.

Available for any device

We use technological innovation to offer you a magnificent experience with your corporate social network and task management